The application "GPS Tracker Android" is intended to track the user's cell and help you find if it is stolen. For this it is necessary to use a tracking server free, the application was developed for GPS Gate. To create an account in GPS Gate read the topic: Creating account on GPS Gate.
After installing the application GPS Tracker Android. In the first access prompted theuser to type and retype the password for the system configuration. Beginning in the second access will be asked the password registered as images below:
After logging into the system, will appear the first screen of the application configuration, in case "Tracking". This screen Enable / disable the sending of location information for the GPS Gate (free) tracking system, and determines the interval, in seconds, sending this information.
Note: Sending data to the server GPS Gate will via the Internet. We recommend using a range of 3600 seconds (1 hour).
The next screen is "SMS" which will register a number for receiving messages at power on. The checkbox "Enable the sending of SMS?" if checked, will cause the application to send an sms when the phone is restarted. If unchecked, your application will only send the sms message when the SIM card (simcard) is exchanged.
Note: We recommend always setting an SMS number, even if the checkbox is unchecked. Thus to replace the chip (assuming the thief put another chip) the application will send the sms to the number registered in connecting the phone.
The format of the number must be registered with the following format "+55" (country code) "83" (DDD) "88776655" (phone number).
The rear screen is "EMAIL" which will register an email address for receiving messages from location to connect the phone. The checkbox "Enable sending mail?" if checked, will cause the application to send an e-mail whenever the phone is restarted. If unchecked, your application will only send email when the chip (simcard) is exchanged.
Note: We recommend always setting an EMAIL address, even if the checkbox is unchecked. Thus to replace the chip (assuming the thief put another chip) the application will send the email to the address registered to the phone call.
Then we have the screen "GPS ". This screen allows you to set the precision in meters, the GPS coordinates to be considered valid. If the application is unable to collect coordinates valid for 5 minutes, the collected information will be sent.
The "Adj. Zone" should be configured so that the Date and Time is GMT 0 sent to the server of GPS tracking Gate. Example: in Brasília is GMT -3, this means the field contains the value 3 (representing +3, making time stand GMT 0).
Note: The "Adj. Zone"will be deleted in future releases. The application will make the adjustment automatically.
The last screen is the "info" and contains information about the application and the developers.
By saving the settings will be saved, the identifier of the simcard, from within this time the chip in use will be considered as normal use. If the chip is changed as the application will identify a violation and will send SMS, Email, and make the screening interval to 3 minutes. For the application does not treat the exchange as a violation of the chip is necessary to access the configuration panel (using the new chip) and save the settings, now the application will leave the state of violation and identify the new chip as the normal use user.
Important points and issues to be considered for optimal operation of the application:
- If you changed the chip (simcard) the screening interval is changed to 180 seconds (3 minutes) and will remain until the application is reconfigured.
- The phone must have internet access.
- The phone must be enabled with GPS, as shown in image below:
Note: Do not worry about battery consumption because the GPS being enabled as shown in picture below, the application itself will start and stop using the GPS automatically.
Collecting GPS coordinates
Note: When the GPS is in use, a satellite symbol appears in the notification bar Android. After collecting valid coordinates, the application automatically turns off the GPS.